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We would like to thank you, our internet viewing audience, for joining us for corporate prayer temporarily available online during the time of Covid restrictions. Our season of broadcasting this prayer is over. We will no longer be airing pre-service prayer on Sundays and Wednesdays. Please be encouraged to follow Jesus’ instructions in prayer, which He promises will bear much fruit:

Matthew 6:6
“But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.”

If you would like materials on how to pray, please visit
“World Prayer Guide” by Dr. Veronica Winston
"100 Simple Ways to connect with God"

The Battle to Keep America’s Black Banks Alive

By Amber Burton, Justin Scheck and John West

There are 18 Black-owned banks in the U.S., half that existed a decade and a half ago. A new movement is under way to help those that are left to survive—and even thrive.

Bill Winston was the chairman of Covenant Bank, which served a largely poor and Black community on Chicago’s West Side before failing in 2013. ‘The little guys don’t have a shot.’

Read the full article here!

Carver Center is open for Innovation

The Carver Innovation Center officially opened to the public on May 13 as the newest co-working and development space in Forest Park. The Carver Center is an offshoot of the Joseph Business School, the nonprofit educational arm of Living Word Christian Center, which owns the Forest Park Plaza mall.

Read the full Forest Park Review article here!
Read the full Black Enterprise article here!

Living Fresh Market officially open for business

"This will be the first store of Living Fresh Market all over Chicagoland," Winston said. "It's been a partnership all three ways. Everybody gave something, and that's the way it should be." he added, blessing the owners, customers and suppliers of the new store.

Read the full Forest Park Review article here!
Read the full Chicago Citizen article here!

Why We Need Black Owned Banks
"A thousand may fall at your side, And ten thousand at your right hand; But it shall not come near you." - Psalm 91:7 (New King James Version -NKJV)